La presente es una nota muy corta que simplemente recopila algunos recientes y reveladores indicadores sobre el Perú y su en el uso y manejo de las tecnologías de la información. Saque sus propias conclusiones.
El World Economic Forum publicó hace unos días el «Global Information Technology Report 2012: Living in hyper connected world». Perú figura en el puesto. Algunas perlas:
1st pillar: Political and regulatory environment
1.01 Effectiveness of law-making bodies* …………………………..140 ………1.9
1.02 Laws relating to ICT* …………………………………………………79 ………3.7
1.03 Judicial independence* ……………………………………………..119 ………2.6
1.04 Efficiency of legal system in settling disputes* …………….107 ………3.0
1.05 Efficiency of legal system in challenging regs* ……………..90 ………3.2
1.06 Intellectual property protection* ………………………………..122 ………2.5
1.07 Software piracy rate, % software installed …………………….67 ……….68
1.08 No. procedures to enforce a contract ………………………….106 ……….41
1.09 No. days to enforce a contract ……………………………………..45 ……..428
- 3rd pillar: Infrastructure and digital content
3.01 Electricity production, kWh/capita ………………………………93 ..1,139.4
3.02 Mobile network coverage, % pop. ………………………………..75 …….97.1
3.03 Int’l Internet bandwidth, kb/s per user………………………..80 ………8.5
3.04 Secure Internet servers/million pop. …………………………..77 …….14.2
3.05 Accessibility of digital content* …………………………………..91 ………4.6
- 5th pillar: Skills
5.01 Quality of educational system* …………………………………..128 ………2.6
5.02 Quality of math & science education* …………………………135 ………2.4
5.03 Secondary education gross enrollment rate, % ……………..56 …….91.6
5.04 Adult literacy rate, % …………………………………………………89 …….89.6
- 6th pillar: Individual usage
6.01 Mobile phone subscriptions/100 pop. …………………………..73 …..100.1
6.02 Individuals using Internet, %……………………………………….76 …….34.3
6.03 Households w/ personal computer, % ………………………….80 …….22.7
6.04 Households w/ Internet access, % ……………………………….80 …….14.0
6.05 Broadband Internet subscriptions/100 pop. …………………82 ………3.1
6.06 Mobile broadband subscriptions/100 pop. …………………..62 ………4.5
6.07 Use of virtual social networks* …………………………………….79 ………5.1
- 7th pillar: Business usage
7.01 Firm-level technology absorption* ……………………………….62 ………4.9
7.02 Capacity for innovation* ……………………………………………..99 ………2.7
7.03 PCT patents, applications/million pop. ………………………..88 ………0.2
7.04 Extent of business Internet use* ………………………………….88 ………4.7
7.05 Extent of staff training* ………………………………………………75 ………3.9
- 8th pillar: Government usage
8.01 Gov’t prioritization of ICT* ………………………………………..101 ………4.2
8.02 Importance of ICT to gov’t vision* ………………………………93 ………3.5
8.03 Government Online Service Index, 0–1 (best) ……………..44 …….0.41
El comentario general del informe sobre Perú es el siguiente: «Despite the economic growth that Peru has experienced in the past year, at 106th place the country still lags significantly behind in terms of ICT. An insufficiently developed and expensive (141st) ICT infrastructure (86th) coupled with a low-quality educational system (128th) hinders the preparedness of Peru to make an effective use of ICT. As a result, the use of ICT by all three actors—individual, business, and government—is still low (81st), and despite relatively good framework conditions for entrepreneurship (56th), the potential economic impacts are not yet accruing«.
Como indica la Sociedad Nacional de Industrias al comentar el citado informe «Si nos comparamos con nuestros vecinos de Latinoamérica, somos superados por Ecuador (96), Guatemala (98) y El Salvador (103). Los mejor ubicados de esta parte del mundo son Chile (39), Uruguay (44), Panamá (57), Costa Rica (58) y Brasil (65). Perú solo supera a Venezuela (107), Paraguay (111), Bolivia (127) y Nicaragua (131), e incluso estamos al lado de países de Africa y Medio Oriente que exhiben una pobre perfomance en TIC como Pakistan (102), Namibia (105), Camboya (108), Zambia (109), Mali (126), Etiopía (130), por mencionar algunos«.
Naciones Unidas recientemente publicó el informe «United Nations E-Government Survey 2012» donde figuramos en puesto 82 de 190 bajando 19 posiciones con respecto al informe anterior. Destacan a nivel regional Chile (39), Colombia (43) y Uruguay (50).
¿Si hemos dado una lección en temas gastronómicos al mundo porque no apostar por la tecnología como eje de desarrollo económico y social?